Setup web server with IIS (Internet Information Services).
Connect to Azure Windows Server instance via RDP.Create a new Windows Server on Microsoft Azure.ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Simple API for Authentication, Registration and User Management.Angular 8 - User Registration and Login Tutorial & Example.For more in-depth information about the Angular app or ASP.NET Core api used in this post, check out the following tutorials which cover them in detail: This tutorial will be focused on setting up the web server and SQL database on Azure, then deploying and configuring the Angular front-end app and ASP.NET Core back-end api to work together. The Angular front-end app and ASP.NET Core back-end api will both be hosted on an Azure Virtual Machine instance running Windows Server and IIS, and the Azure SQL Database service will be used for storing and managing data in the cloud. In this tutorial we're going to setup a production ready web server from scratch on Microsoft Azure running Windows Server and IIS, then deploy a full stack Angular + ASP.NET Core + SQL Server application to it that supports user registration and authentication.